Featuring in September's Ign!te was a wonderful experience that made me think about how my trajectory of writing and performance has come full circle. I used to attend open mics, where I’d shyly recite something scribbled down in the moment. Now, here I was helping facilitate as well as featuring for one. Spitting (my word for reciting) my poetry, my truth, in front of my peers and community members was extremely liberating for me because I had not done it for a long while. It was almost like a rebirth. At the end of my set, I explained that being at this event was like being in church. No matter how many show up, powerful things can happen. We come expecting a word, we share our words, then we all leave with a word, whether it is our own or something shared with us. Every person who got up that night to speak their truth truly affected me in a way that stirred my passion. I was moved, and I think that THAT is the point of Ign!te- to move and stir and make our creative imaginations light up.
Featuring in September's Ign!te was a wonderful experience that made me think about how my trajectory of writing and performance has come full circle. I used to attend open mics, where I’d shyly recite something scribbled down in the moment. Now, here I was helping facilitate as well as featuring for one. Spitting (my word for reciting) my poetry, my truth, in front of my peers and community members was extremely liberating for me because I had not done it for a long while. It was almost like a rebirth. At the end of my set, I explained that being at this event was like being in church. No matter how many show up, powerful things can happen. We come expecting a word, we share our words, then we all leave with a word, whether it is our own or something shared with us. Every person who got up that night to speak their truth truly affected me in a way that stirred my passion. I was moved, and I think that THAT is the point of Ign!te- to move and stir and make our creative imaginations light up.